
control knobs

control knobs, 컨트롤 레버


Control knobs are round handles on music equipment that adjust various sound effects. You can create the desired sound by turning them.

They are frequently used equipment for creating electronic music, allowing you to change various sounds such as bass and rhythm.

컨트롤 레버는 음악 장비에서 다양한 소리 효과를 조절하는 둥근 손잡이입니다. 돌려서 원하는 소리를 만들 수 있어요.

전자 음악을 만들 때 많이 사용하는 장비로, 베이스나 리듬 등 여러 가지 소리를 바꿀 수 있습니다.

Windows 11

Control knobs are used on synthesizers and mixing consoles to adjust various audio parameters such as tone, effects, and EQ. By turning each knob, you can achieve delicate sound design and transform music in real-time.

In EDM and techno music, improvisational sound transformation using these control knobs becomes an important performance element. Particularly in live performances, DJs use them as an essential tool to dynamically change the music based on the audience's reactions.

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