carousel horse
carousel horse, 회전 목마
The carousel horse is one of the most popular rides at amusement parks. It's a ride where you sit on beautiful horse-shaped chairs and enjoy spinning around with music.
It's a nostalgic ride loved by everyone from children to adults. It's especially popular as a dating spot for couples.
회전목마는 놀이공원에서 가장 인기 있는 놀이기구 중 하나입니다. 아름다운 말 모양의 의자에 앉아서 음악과 함께 빙글빙글 돌며 즐기는 놀이기구예요.
어린이부터 어른까지 모두가 좋아하는 추억의 놀이기구입니다. 특히 연인들이 데이트 코스로 자주 찾는답니다.
The carousel horse is a traditional ride that originated in Europe in the 1800s, characterized by its ornate decorations and classic design. It's an iconic ride at Disneyland and a popular photo spot for many photographers.
In modern times, it has been recognized as an art form beyond just a simple ride. The antique carousels at Montmartre in Paris and Prater Park in Vienna are even designated as cultural properties. Recently, with the popularity of retro designs, it has become an essential facility in shopping malls and theme parks.