

volleyball, 배구공


Volleyball is a fun sport where two teams hit a ball back and forth over a net. Each team has six players, and they score points by grounding the ball on the opposing team's side of the court.

Volleyball is an official Olympic sport and is popular worldwide. Many people in Korea also enjoy watching and cheering for volleyball.

배구는 네트를 사이에 두고 공을 주고받는 재미있는 운동입니다. 6명이 한 팀이 되어 상대 팀의 코트에 공을 떨어뜨리면 점수를 얻을 수 있어요.

배구는 올림픽 정식 종목이고 전 세계에서 인기가 많은 스포츠입니다. 한국에서도 많은 사람들이 배구를 보고 응원하며 즐깁니다.

Windows 11

Volleyball originated in the United States in 1895 and has since become a popular sport worldwide. Starting as an indoor sport, it has evolved into a more popular sport with the development of beach volleyball. Both indoor and beach volleyball are especially popular during the Summer Olympics.

Modern volleyball is evolving with a fast tempo and spectacular techniques. High-level skills such as "spike serves" and "receives" add excitement to the game. Recently, volleyball players' active presence on social media has increased interaction with younger fans. Professional leagues are active worldwide, and many players compete internationally.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🏐💥 spike master
🏐🌊 serve tsunami
🏐💫 receive god
🏐🎯 precision ace
🏐🔥 on fire
🏐💪 volley king