

camping, 캠핑


Camping is an outdoor activity where you pitch a tent and stay in nature. It's great to enjoy with family and friends.

These days, there are many ways to enjoy camping comfortably, such as glamping. Having a barbecue and chatting at a campsite is popular.

캠핑은 자연 속에서 텐트를 치고 지내는 야외 활동이에요. 가족이나 친구들과 함께 즐기기 좋아요.

요즘은 글램핑처럼 편하게 캠핑을 즐길 수 있는 방법도 많아졌어요. 캠핑장에서 바비큐를 해먹으며 이야기를 나누는 것이 인기 있어요.

Windows 11

Recently, due to the influence of social media, camping culture has grown significantly worldwide. Especially among the MZ generation, a new trend called "emotional camping" has emerged, and camping gear is being treated like fashion items.

In Korea, a unique camping culture called "Chabak" has developed, which refers to camping using a car. As camping content gains popularity on YouTube and Instagram, the barrier to entry for camping has lowered considerably.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🏕️ camp mode on
🏕️🔥 fire pit vibes
🏕️✨ nature therapy
🏕️🍖 BBQ time
🏕️🌙 stargazing mood
🏕️🌲 camping szn
🏕️🔥 bonfire ready?
🏕️✨ camping trip?