

ewe, 양


Sheep are beloved animals known for their soft wool and gentle nature. Their wool can be used to make warm clothing.

Sheep are livestock that have lived alongside humans around the world for a long time. They contribute significantly to our lives through mutton, wool, and sheep milk.

양은 포근한 털과 온순한 성격으로 사랑받는 동물이에요. 양털로 따뜻한 옷을 만들 수 있어요.

양은 전 세계에서 오랫동안 함께 살아온 가축이에요. 양고기와 양털, 양유로 우리 생활에 많은 도움을 주고 있어요.

Windows 11

Sheep symbolize peace and purity, holding significant meaning in many cultures. In particular, sheep wool sweaters and wool products are highly valued in the fashion industry.

Recently, eco-friendly wool products have been gaining attention as a sustainable fashion alternative. The idyllic scenery of sheep grazing is a popular image on social media, symbolizing healing and tranquility.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🐑 floof ball
🐑💤 sleepy head
🐑✨ fluffy baby
🐑🌿 grass muncher
🐑💭 cotton cloud
🐑❄️ fuzzy wuzzy