
backhand index pointing left

backhand index pointing left, 왼쪽을 가리키는 손등


This is an emoji of a backhand index finger pointing left. It is used to indicate direction or point to a specific object.

It is frequently used in online conversations to refer to the above message or previous content, and it is also used to draw attention.

왼쪽을 가리키는 검지손가락 이모지입니다. 방향을 알려주거나 특정 대상을 지목할 때 사용합니다.

온라인 대화에서 위 메시지나 이전 내용을 가리킬 때 자주 사용되며, 주의를 환기시키는 용도로도 쓰입니다.

Windows 11

In digital communication, this emoji has contextual meanings such as 'Please check the previous message' or 'Refer to the above content,' beyond simply indicating direction. On social media, it is also used to highlight profile pictures or links.

It is widely used on social media worldwide with the meaning of 'Look at this' or 'Check this out,' and it is particularly effective in highlighting important information or content on platforms like Instagram or Twitter.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

👈 check this out
👈😎 pro tip
👈💫 on point
👈👀 read the room
🤔👈 what about this
👈💅 nailed it