
open hands

open hands, 양손을 모아서 벌린 모양


It represents open hands. It is used to express a welcoming or wanting a hug.

It is also often used to express congratulations or joy. It's especially effective when used with the exclamation "Wow!"

두 손을 활짝 벌린 모양입니다. 환영하거나 포옹하고 싶은 마음을 표현할 때 사용해요.

축하나 기쁨을 나타낼 때도 자주 사용합니다. 특히 '와~' 하는 감탄사와 함께 쓰면 더욱 효과적이에요.

Windows 11

This gesture symbolizes openness and inclusivity worldwide. It has been used in various cultural contexts, from religious rituals to contemporary performing arts.

Recently, it has been symbolically used in corporate cultures or social movements that emphasize diversity and inclusion. On social media, it is widely used to convey positive energy and welcome, especially in K-pop fandom culture as a sign of support.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

👐 welcome fam
👐✨ omg yasss
👐 sing along
👐💫 welcome party
👐 hug time