
man feeding baby

man feeding baby, 수유 중인 남자


This emoji depicts a man feeding a baby with a bottle, either with formula or breast milk. It shows the increasing involvement of fathers in childcare in modern society.

Nowadays, fathers are actively participating in childcare. Bottle-feeding a baby is one of the important childcare activities that fathers can do.

아기에게 젖병으로 분유나 모유를 먹이는 남성의 모습을 나타내는 이모지입니다. 현대 사회에서 늘어나는 육아에 참여하는 아빠의 모습을 보여줍니다.

요즘은 아빠들도 적극적으로 육아에 참여하고 있어요. 아기에게 젖병으로 수유하는 것은 아빠가 할 수 있는 중요한 육아 활동 중 하나입니다.

Windows 11

As gender equality awareness increases, the role of fathers in childcare is becoming more important. Particularly in Nordic countries, paternity leave is common, and this culture is spreading worldwide.

Research shows that a father's involvement in childcare has a very positive impact on a child's emotional development. Recently, 'daddy childcare' content has become popular on social media, reflecting the changing gender roles and family culture in modern society.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

👨‍🍼 dad mode on
👨‍🍼💪 super dad
👨‍🍼👶 baby's bestie
👨‍🍼🍼 bottle master
👨‍🍼❤ dad life pro