
man with white cane

man with white cane, 지팡이를 든 남자


An emoji depicting a visually impaired man using a white cane. It shows him using this essential tool that helps with safe navigation.

The white cane is a universally recognized symbol for people with visual impairments. It also serves to inform those nearby that consideration and accommodation are needed.

흰 지팡이를 사용하는 시각장애인 남성을 나타내는 이모지입니다. 안전한 보행을 돕는 중요한 도구를 사용하는 모습이에요.

흰 지팡이는 전 세계적으로 시각장애인을 상징하는 도구입니다. 주변 사람들에게 배려가 필요한 상황임을 알려주는 역할도 해요.

Windows 11

The history of the white cane began in 1921 with James Biggs in England. Since then, it has become a crucial tool symbolizing mobility rights and accessibility for visually impaired people worldwide.

While modern society continues to develop various assistive devices using advanced technology, the white cane remains recognized as the most basic and reliable tool. Along with barrier-free design, it serves as a key means of supporting independence for visually impaired individuals.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

👨‍🦯 life master
👨‍🦯✨ mental king
👨‍🦯💪 true warrior
👨‍🦯🙏 soul master