white flower
white flower, 흰 꽃
The white flower is a flower-shaped symbol that represents purity and innocence. In Japan, it is often used as a mark of good work on school assignments and tests.
This symbol is widely used on social media and in messages to express congratulations and praise. It is especially common in Asian countries to celebrate achievements and good results.
흰 꽃은 순수함과 깨끗함을 나타내는 꽃 모양의 기호입니다. 일본에서는 학교 숙제나 시험지에 잘했다는 표시로 자주 사용해요.
이 기호는 SNS나 메시지에서 축하나 칭찬의 의미로 많이 쓰입니다. 특히 아시아 국가들에서는 성취나 좋은 결과를 축하할 때 이 이모지를 자주 사용해요.
This symbol originated from the "Hanamaru (花丸)" culture of Japan, and is part of the tradition of using stamps for positive evaluation in education. In East Asia, it has become one of the most common praise marks, along with the red circle.
In modern digital communication, it has expanded beyond cultural boundaries to represent purity, new beginnings, and celebrations. It is particularly popular among K-pop fans, who use it to express the pure and innocent image of their idols, and has become a part of global fandom culture.