
muted speaker

muted speaker, 무음


Mute mode is a function that completely turns off sound. It's frequently used in places that require quiet, such as meetings or libraries.

It's a frequently seen function on smartphones and electronic devices. It's necessary when you need to avoid disturbing others.

무음 모드는 소리를 완전히 끄는 기능입니다. 회의나 도서관처럼 조용히 해야 하는 곳에서 많이 사용해요.

스마트폰이나 전자기기에서 자주 보는 기능이에요. 다른 사람에게 방해가 되지 않도록 할 때 필요합니다.

Windows 11

In the digital age, mute mode has become an essential etiquette function for modern people. It's an important feature that helps resolve noise issues in public places and improves individual concentration.

Recently, with the trends of digital detox and mindfulness, the use of mute mode has become even more important. Many apps offer focus modes or do-not-disturb functions, which contribute to improving modern people's mental health and work efficiency.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🔇 silent mode
🔇😴 ghosting
🔇🤫 shhh mode
🔇💤 do not disturb
🔇📱 no calls