
red triangle pointed down

red triangle pointed down, 빨간색 아래쪽 삼각형


A red downward-pointing triangle is a directional indicator. It's mainly used to represent downward movement.

This symbol is frequently seen on signs in subways or buildings. You'll also see this arrow shape when downloading files on your smartphone.

빨간색 아래쪽 삼각형은 방향을 알려주는 표시예요. 주로 아래쪽으로 내려가는 것을 나타낼 때 사용합니다.

이 기호는 지하철이나 건물의 안내판에서 자주 볼 수 있어요. 또 스마트폰에서 파일을 다운로드할 때도 이런 모양의 화살표가 나타나요.

Windows 11

This triangular symbol is often used on traffic signs or warning signs, and it's especially displayed in red to indicate danger or caution. In the digital age, it has become an important visual element representing the direction of data flow.

In mathematics and science, this triangular symbol is called 'delta' and is used to represent the amount of change. In the stock market, it signifies a drop in stock prices, and in music, it means gradually softer, having various meanings across different fields.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🔻 it's over
🔻 brain.exe stopped
🔻 going down
🔻 hell mode
🔻😱 mental boom
🔻💢 malding rn