disappointed face
disappointed face, 실망한 얼굴
This emoji represents a facial expression of disappointment or sadness. It is characterized by a bowed head and downcast eyes.
It is used when something expected doesn't go well or when feeling sad. It is also frequently used when delivering bad news to friends or family.
이 이모지는 무언가에 실망하거나 슬픈 감정을 느낄 때의 표정을 나타냅니다. 고개를 숙이고 눈을 내리깔고 있는 모습이 특징입니다.
기대했던 일이 잘 안 됐거나 마음이 슬플 때 사용합니다. 친구나 가족에게 안 좋은 소식을 전할 때도 자주 씁니다.
This emoji is used to express deep disappointment or sadness, especially in situations where expectations or hopes are dashed. On social media, it is often used to express one's feelings honestly or to seek empathy.
Recently, it has also been used to express mild disappointment, and sometimes it is used to show a joke or an exaggerated reaction. For example, it's used to express everyday disappointments such as a favorite cafe being closed or a new episode of a favorite drama not being available until next week.