face with steam from nose
face with steam from nose, 화내며 씩씩거리는 얼굴
This emoji depicts a face with steam coming out of its nostrils. It is generally used to express anger or annoyance.
It is also often used to express triumph after winning a game or competition. Teenagers frequently use it to express feelings of frustration or injustice in conversations at school or with friends.
화가 나서 콧구멍으로 김이 나는 모습을 표현한 이모지입니다. 주로 매우 화가 났거나 짜증이 난 감정을 나타낼 때 사용합니다.
게임이나 시합에서 이겼을 때 승리감을 표현할 때도 자주 쓰입니다. 10대들은 학교나 친구들과의 대화에서 억울하거나 분한 마음을 표현할 때 많이 사용해요.
This emoji is more often used to express indignation at an unjust situation or protest against unfairness, rather than simple anger. It frequently appears on social media to express anger over social issues.
Interestingly, its interpretation varies slightly depending on the culture. In Western cultures, it is often used to express the joy of victory or pride, especially in conversations related to sports or esports. In Korea, the meaning of anger tends to be more strongly perceived.