
grinning cat

grinning cat, 활짝 웃는 고양이 얼굴


This emoji depicts a cat grinning with its mouth wide open. It's a cute expression used when feeling very happy or joyful.

It's frequently used on social media and in messages to convey bright and positive emotions. It's especially useful when sharing good news or wanting to make someone happy.

고양이가 입을 크게 벌리고 활짝 웃는 모습의 이모지입니다. 기분이 매우 좋거나 즐거울 때 사용하는 귀여운 표현이에요.

SNS나 메시지에서 밝고 긍정적인 감정을 전달할 때 자주 사용됩니다. 특히 좋은 소식을 전할 때나 상대방을 기쁘게 해주고 싶을 때 활용해요.

Windows 11

This emoji is mainly used to express pure and innocent joy, and is especially favored by people in their teens and twenties who want to convey a cute and friendly nuance. It captures the cat's characteristic innocence and loveliness.

Recently, it's also frequently used among K-pop fans to express the bright and cheerful image of their idols. Furthermore, with the global popularity of cat memes, the usage of this emoji is steadily increasing.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

😺 cat burglar
😺 cat person
😺💕 cat parent
😺 cat crazy
😺✨ cat lord
😺 treat addict