
woman walking

woman walking, 걷는 여자


This emoji represents a woman walking. It is often used when talking about taking a walk or exercising.

This emoji represents modern women pursuing a healthy lifestyle. It's frequently used on social media when sharing about exercise or daily life.

여자가 걷고 있는 모습을 나타내는 이모지입니다. 산책이나 운동할 때 많이 사용해요.

건강한 라이프스타일을 추구하는 현대 여성들의 모습을 표현하는 이모지입니다. SNS에서 운동이나 일상을 공유할 때 자주 사용되죠.

Windows 11

With growing interest in health and wellness among women, walking has become one of the most popular forms of exercise. Trends like 'walking diets' and 'power walking' have spread through social media, and many women are creating and participating in walking groups and communities.

This emoji reflects the needs of modern women who seek both safe exercise and self-improvement. Recently, new trends combining walking with other activities, such as 'walk and talk' and 'audiobook walking,' have emerged.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🚶‍♀️✨ on my fitness grind
🚶‍♀️👜 retail therapy time
🚶‍♀️🎀 date vibes
🚶‍♀️💅 queen's walk
🚶‍♀️🎧 me time