rolling on the floor laughing
rolling on the floor laughing, 바닥을 구르며 웃는 얼굴
This emoji expresses laughter so intense that one rolls on the floor. It's used to express really big laughter.
It's often used when sharing funny stories with friends. It's used to express laughter that's even bigger than 'kkk' or 'hhh'.
매우 재미있어서 바닥을 구르며 웃는 모습을 표현한 이모지입니다. 정말 크게 웃을 때 사용하는 이모지예요.
친구들과 재미있는 이야기를 나눌 때 자주 사용해요. 'ㅋㅋㅋ'나 'ㅎㅎㅎ'보다 더 큰 웃음을 표현할 때 써요.
Since its appearance in 2015, it has become one of the most used emojis worldwide. Especially among Gen Z, using this emoji instead of a simple 'LOL' or 'kkk' has become a trend.
Among young people in Korea, it's trendy to use this emoji repeatedly to show an exaggerated reaction. Its meaning has expanded, as it's used not only in genuinely funny situations but also to express irony or sarcasm.