star-struck, 반한 얼굴
The Star-struck Face emoji features star-shaped eyes that sparkle. It's used to express deep impression or great admiration for something.
It's used when you see something amazing or to express admiration for someone. It can also represent the surprise and joy of discovering something new.
반한 얼굴 이모지는 눈이 반짝이는 별 모양으로 되어 있어요. 무언가에 깊은 감동을 받거나 매우 감탄했을 때 사용해요.
특별히 멋진 것을 봤을 때나 누군가를 존경하는 마음을 표현할 때 써요. 새로운 것을 발견했을 때의 놀라움과 기쁨을 나타내기도 해요.
It's frequently used to express fandom towards celebrities or influencers and is especially popular among younger generations. It's also effective for expressing praise for achievements or accomplishments.
It represents positive feelings towards an admired object or situation and has become a representative emoji for 'fanboy/fangirl' culture, especially on social media. It's also used to express recognition of expertise or special talent.