shushing face
shushing face, 쉿 하는 얼굴
This emoji means "be quiet." It depicts a face with a finger to its lips, shushing.
It's used in situations where you need to keep a secret or be quiet. You'll often see this symbol in places like libraries and theaters.
조용히 하라는 의미를 나타내는 이모지예요. 손가락을 입에 대고 '쉿'하는 모습을 표현했어요.
비밀을 지키거나 조용히 해야 하는 상황에서 사용해요. 도서관이나 극장 같은 곳에서도 이 표시를 많이 볼 수 있어요.
This emoji is a visualization of the universally understood "quiet" signal, clearly conveying its meaning regardless of cultural background. It's frequently used when sharing confidential information or preparing a surprise.
It's used for strategic communication with teammates in online games or school life, and is especially common on social media when indicating a "spoiler alert." Among teenagers, it has become an essential emoji for planning secret meetups or surprise events.