pregnant woman
pregnant woman, 임산부
A pregnant woman is a precious expectant mother nurturing a new life. Because a baby is growing in her womb, she needs special care and protection.
Consideration for pregnant women is important in all cultures around the world. There are special considerations such as giving up seats on public transport and using designated parking spaces for pregnant women.
임산부는 새 생명을 키우는 소중한 예비 엄마예요. 배 속에서 아기가 자라고 있어서 특별한 관심과 보호가 필요해요.
임산부를 위한 배려는 전 세계 모든 문화에서 중요해요. 대중교통에서 자리 양보하기, 임산부 전용 주차장 이용하기 같은 특별한 배려가 있어요.
During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes remarkable changes, and she experiences various emotional changes due to hormonal fluctuations. In modern society, institutional support for pregnant women's healthy work life is also increasing.
Each country has unique traditions and cultures for pregnant women. Cultures that care for and protect pregnant women, such as Korea's Taegyo culture, Europe's childbirth preparation classes, and Japan's Maternity Mark, are developing. Recently, the culture of sharing pregnancy and childbirth experiences through social media has also been spreading.