bagel, 베이글
This emoji represents a bagel, a round bread with a hole in the center. It's famous as a representative breakfast food in New York.
Bagels are characterized by their chewy texture and are typically eaten with cream cheese. They've recently become a popular menu item in Korean cafes as well.
베이글은 동그랗고 가운데가 뚫린 빵을 나타내는 이모지예요. 뉴욕을 대표하는 아침 식사로 유명해요.
베이글은 쫄깃한 식감이 특징이며, 크림치즈를 발라 먹는 것이 일반적이에요. 최근에는 한국의 카페에서도 인기 메뉴가 되었어요.
The history of the bagel dates back to the 16th century in Polish Jewish communities. It spread to the United States with immigrants, becoming a representative food of New York, and is now loved worldwide.
Bagels are made with a unique method of boiling the dough before baking. Among Gen Z, creative bagels with various toppings and fillings are trending, especially around social media hotspots. In Korea, fusion bagels with Asian flavors such as matcha and black sesame are particularly popular.