
hot face

hot face, 더운 얼굴


This emoji represents a face struggling with extreme heat. It's characterized by a red face, sweat, and a protruding tongue.

It's often used to express the exhaustion felt during summer heat or after exercise. It can also be used when you've been to a sauna or eaten spicy food.

매우 더워서 힘들어하는 표정을 나타내는 이모지예요. 빨간 얼굴과 땀, 내밀고 있는 혀가 특징이에요.

여름철 무더위나 운동 후의 피곤함을 표현할 때 자주 사용해요. 사우나에 갔을 때나 매운 음식을 먹었을 때도 쓸 수 있죠.

Windows 11

Since its introduction in 2018, it has been frequently used in discussions about climate change and heat waves. It has become a powerful visual tool, especially on social media, for conveying messages about environmental issues.

It has also evolved into a global meme, used to express "passionate situations" or "excessive stress." Especially among Gen Z, it's wittily used to express "hot" trends or "burning" passion.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🥵 dying rn
🥵💦 sweating buckets
🥵🧊 ice needed asap
🥵☀️ heat wave hits diff
🥵 no ac = death
🥵 melting away
🥵 sauna vibes
🥵 tropical nights be killing