hedgehog, 고슴도치
The hedgehog is a special animal that is cute but has sharp spines all over its body. When in danger, it rolls into a ball to protect itself.
Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals that feed on insects and small animals. They live in gardens and forests, and hibernate during winter. These days, they are also kept as pets due to their cute appearance.
고슴도치는 귀엽지만 온몸에 날카로운 가시가 있는 특별한 동물이에요. 위험할 때 몸을 동그랗게 말아서 자신을 보호해요.
고슴도치는 밤에 활동하면서 벌레나 작은 동물을 잡아먹어요. 정원이나 숲에서 살며 겨울에는 긴 잠을 자요. 요즘에는 귀여운 모습 때문에 반려동물로도 키워요.
A hedgehog's spines are actually modified hairs, with about 5,000 spines that effectively protect them from predators. This unique defense mechanism is a remarkable result of natural evolution.
There are 17 species of hedgehogs worldwide, each showing different characteristics based on their habitat. Recently, hedgehog characters like 'Harinezumi' have become popular in Japan and Korea, and there's a growing trend on social media of people sharing their daily lives with pet hedgehogs.