sauropod, 초식 공룡
Sauropods were enormous dinosaurs with very long necks and tails, and they primarily ate tree leaves.
Sauropods, such as Brachiosaurus, lived about 150 million years ago. These dinosaurs were known for their peaceful nature and lived in herds.
초식 공룡은 매우 긴 목과 꼬리를 가진 거대한 공룡으로, 나무의 잎사귀를 주로 먹고 살았어요.
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Brontosaurus, a representative species of sauropods, was a gentle giant, despite its massive size, reaching the height of a 4-story building. They were herbivores, and scientists estimate they ate about 400kg of plants daily.
Recent research suggests that their long necks were not for reaching high leaves, but for efficiently consuming plants over a wide area. Their majestic appearance continues to capture the imagination of many, as seen in modern movies and games.