family: adult, adult, child, child
family: adult, adult, child, child, 가족: 성인, 성인, 아이, 아이
This emoji represents a family of four, consisting of two adults and two children. It depicts a modern and inclusive image of a family.
This emoji is often used when discussing family activities or events. It's great to use when planning family trips or weekend outings.
두 명의 성인과 두 명의 아이로 이루어진 4인 가족을 나타내는 이모지입니다. 현대적이고 포용적인 가족의 모습을 보여줘요.
가족 단위의 활동이나 이벤트를 이야기할 때 자주 사용합니다. 가족 여행 계획이나 주말 나들이 약속을 잡을 때 활용하면 좋아요.
The family of four emoji represents a modern family image that is universally recognized. It allows for the representation of diverse family members regardless of gender or race, enabling inclusive communication. It is particularly meaningful in multicultural societies.
This emoji has been frequently used in parenting blogs and family YouTube channels recently. It adds a touch of friendliness when sharing daily family life or parenting tips. It has become a representative symbol of the growing parenting content worldwide.