

merman, 남자 인어


A mystical merman inhabiting the ocean, with the tail of a fish.

Like Triton, son of Poseidon in Greek mythology, he commands the power of the sea. Holding a trident, he can stir waves and conjure storms.

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Tales of merfolk have long been passed down in maritime cultures worldwide. Especially the sea gods of Greco-Roman mythology remain captivating figures, frequently appearing in modern culture.

In contemporary pop culture, mermen are often portrayed as strong and righteous figures, such as King Triton in Disney's "The Little Mermaid" or Aquaman from DC Comics. Recently, they have also become symbols of environmental protection and marine ecosystem conservation.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🧜‍♂️ merman prince
🧜‍♂️🔱 king of the sea
🧜‍♂️🌊 ocean hottie
🧜‍♂️💪 buff merman
🧜‍♂️🐋 whale whisperer