
fire extinguisher

fire extinguisher, 소화기


A fire extinguisher is an important piece of safety equipment used to put out fires. Its red canister shape makes it easily recognizable.

Fire extinguishers are required in public places. Using one quickly in the event of a fire can prevent major damage.

소화기는 화재가 났을 때 불을 끄는 중요한 안전 장비입니다. 빨간색 통 모양이어서 쉽게 알아볼 수 있어요.

공공장소에는 반드시 소화기가 비치되어 있어야 합니다. 화재 발생 시 신속하게 사용하면 큰 피해를 막을 수 있죠.

Windows 11

There are various types of fire extinguishers depending on the type of fire. These include extinguishers for general fires, electrical fires, and oil fires, and it's important to use the correct type for each situation.

Recently, smart fire extinguishers incorporating IoT technology have been developed. These allow for more effective fire response, such as real-time monitoring of the extinguisher's status and voice guidance on how to use it.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🧯 emergency mode
🧯🔥 it's lit
🧯😱 panic mode
🧯💦 cool down
🧯👨‍🚒 lifesaver