

thread, 실타래


A spool of thread is a long string wound into a round shape, used for sewing or knitting. You can create beautiful things with various colors and types of thread.

These days, hand knitting using spools of thread is a popular DIY hobby. You can make things like scarves, bags, and dolls yourself.

실타래는 바느질이나 뜨개질에 사용하는 긴 실을 동그랗게 감아놓은 것이에요. 여러 가지 색깔과 종류의 실로 예쁜 물건을 만들 수 있죠.

요즘은 DIY 취미로 실타래를 이용한 손뜨개가 인기가 많아요. 목도리, 가방, 인형 같은 것들을 직접 만들 수 있답니다.

Windows 11

Needle and thread are one of the oldest tools that have accompanied the development of human civilization. Recently, the culture of mending and reforming is regaining attention as a symbol of sustainable fashion.

In many cultures, a spool of thread is used as a metaphor for 'connection' or 'fate.' It holds deep meaning, like the three goddesses of fate holding the threads of destiny in Greek mythology, or the Eastern tale of 'connections tied with red thread.'

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🧵 sewing time
🧵✂️ fix it up
🧵🪡 knitting vibes
🧵✨ crafty hands
🧵💪 skills on lock