

yarn, 실뭉치


A ball of yarn is a round bundle of thick thread used for knitting or crocheting. You can make warm clothes or accessories with it.

Many people make scarves and gloves with yarn in the winter. These days, more and more young people are learning to knit as a hobby.

실뭉치는 뜨개질이나 코바늘질에 사용하는 두꺼운 실을 둥글게 만든 것입니다. 따뜻한 옷이나 소품을 만들 수 있어요.

겨울에는 실뭉치로 목도리나 장갑을 만드는 사람이 많아요. 요즘은 취미로 뜨개질을 배우는 젊은이들도 늘고 있습니다.

Windows 11

A ball of yarn is a symbol of traditional handicraft culture and is at the center of the modern DIY trend. Nordic knitting culture, in particular, has a huge global influence.

Recently, 'knitting therapy' using yarn has been gaining attention as a way to relieve stress. #knitstagram has become a popular hashtag on social media, and a new hobby culture is forming, especially among young people.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🧶 knitting vibes
🧶✨ yarn life
🧶💕 fuzzy feels
🧶🎀 yarn ball rolling
🧶😻 cat heaven
🧶💫 tangled mess
🧶🤪 yarn life be like