one-piece swimsuit
one-piece swimsuit, 원피스 수영복
A one-piece swimsuit is a swimsuit design where the top and bottom are connected as one. It is a basic swimsuit worn for swimming or beach activities.
With its practical and comfortable design, it is also widely worn by athletes. You can often see it at beaches or swimming pools.
원피스 수영복은 상하가 하나로 연결된 디자인의 수영복이에요. 수영이나 해변 활동을 할 때 입는 기본적인 수영복입니다.
실용적이고 편안한 디자인으로 운동선수들도 많이 착용해요. 바닷가나 수영장에서 자주 볼 수 있답니다.
The one-piece swimsuit has evolved into its modern form since the 1920s, featuring a practical design that considers both sports and fashion. It is used as competition wear for swimmers, and recently, various products applying advanced materials and technologies have been launched.
Following fashion trends, it has shown diverse changes from retro designs to modern styles. In particular, as environmental protection has become a major concern, sustainable swimsuits made from recycled materials are also gaining popularity.