maracas, 마라카스
Maracas are fun instruments for making rhythms. They contain beans or small beads, which make a 'shaky' sound when shaken.
Originating in Latin America, maracas are used in music all over the world. You can often see them at parties and festivals.
마라카스는 리듬을 만드는 재미있는 악기예요. 콩이나 작은 구슬이 들어있어서 흔들면 '샤샤샥' 소리가 나요.
라틴 아메리카에서 시작된 마라카스는 전 세계 음악에서 사용돼요. 파티나 축제에서 자주 볼 수 있어요.
Maracas are percussion instruments made of hollowed-out oval shells filled with seeds or beads. They are a representative rhythmic instrument in Latin music such as salsa and samba, and are very suitable for playing while dancing.
Recently, the use of maracas in K-pop idol performances has been increasing. They frequently appear, especially in Latin pop-style songs, and are recognized as a very effective instrument for audience engagement.