
palm up hand

palm up hand, 손바닥을 위로 향한 손


The palm-up hand emoji is used when receiving or handing something over. It's also frequently used when requesting help or information.

Using this emoji when asking a friend a question or making a request can soften the expression. It's also often used as an invitation, like saying, "Come here."

손바닥을 위로 향한 손 이모지는 무언가를 받거나 건네줄 때 사용해요. 도움이나 정보를 요청할 때도 많이 쓰죠.

친구에게 질문하거나 부탁할 때 이 이모지를 사용하면 더 부드럽게 표현할 수 있어요. '이리 와'라는 초대의 의미로도 자주 사용돼요.

Windows 11

This gesture is a universal body language symbolizing "acceptance" or "openness" worldwide. Especially in Western cultures, it's a gesture frequently used for communication with the audience during speeches or presentations.

Recently, there's been a growing trend among Gen Z to use this emoji to convey the meaning of "being ready to accept anything" or "explain it to me." It's a particularly popular form of expression on social media.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🫴❓ What's the tea?
🫴💁‍♂️ Spill it
🫴✨ Tell me more
🫴🤔 I'm confused
🫴💫 So curious
🫴❔ Come again?
🫴🎵 More deets pls