
index pointing at the viewer

index pointing at the viewer, 보는 사람을 가리키는 검지


It's a finger pointing directly at the other person. It's the most intuitive way to express "you."

It's fun to use playfully when chatting with friends. However, it can be rude to use with superiors, so use it with caution.

상대방을 직접 가리키는 손가락 모양입니다. 'you' 또는 '너'를 의미하는 가장 직관적인 표현이에요.

친구들과 대화할 때 장난스럽게 사용하면 재미있어요. 하지만 윗사람에게는 실례가 될 수 있으니 조심해서 사용해야 합니다.

Windows 11

The meaning of this gesture varies greatly depending on the culture. While it's a common expression in Western cultures, it can be considered somewhat rude in Asian cultures.

In modern social media, it's frequently used in 'POV (Point of View)' content or to deliver direct messages. Especially among Gen Z, it has become a powerful communication tool to single out "you."

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🫵 you there
🫵😤 it's your fault
🫵💢 do better yourself
🫵🔥 I'm watching you
🫵👊 fight me
🫵😎 you shall not pass