
Japanese “service charge” button

Japanese “service charge” button, 일본어 "봉사료" 버튼


🈂️ is the katakana character "サ (sa)", which means "service" in Japanese. You can see it in Japanese shops and restaurants.

It's typically used to indicate free services or special services. You can often see it in tourist spots and shopping districts.

🈂️는 일본어로 '서비스'를 의미하는 'サ(사)'를 나타내는 카타카나 문자예요. 일본의 상점이나 식당에서 볼 수 있습니다.

보통 무료 서비스나 특별 서비스를 제공할 때 사용하는 표시예요. 관광지나 상점가에서 자주 볼 수 있습니다.

Windows 11

This symbol is a representative mark of Japanese service culture. Customer service is highly valued in Japan, and this katakana character embodies that cultural characteristic.

Recently, it's also used to indicate additional services such as digital payments or point accumulation, becoming a symbol of Japan's meticulous service culture. Especially for foreign tourists, it's recognized as a friendly guide indicating free services or special benefits.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🈂️💰 service bomb
🈂️✨ self service
🈂️🧾 split the bill
🈂️💳 it's on the house