

Sagittarius, 사수자리


This symbol represents Sagittarius, one of the twelve zodiac signs. It depicts an archer shooting an arrow.

This is the zodiac sign for people born between November 23rd and December 21st. It symbolically represents a centaur, a half-human, half-horse creature, holding a bow and arrow.

12개의 별자리 중 하나인 사수자리를 나타내는 기호예요. 활을 쏘는 모습을 형상화한 표시랍니다.

11월 23일부터 12월 21일 사이에 태어난 사람들의 별자리예요. 활과 화살을 들고 있는 반인반마의 모습을 상징적으로 나타낸 것이랍니다.

Windows 11

In Greek mythology, this constellation is known to symbolize the wise centaur Chiron. It represents wisdom and adventure and is classified as a fire sign.

In modern astrology, Sagittarians are interpreted as optimistic and adventurous. Notably, many K-pop idols are Sagittarians, making it a topic of conversation among fans, and it's gaining attention along with the popularity of horoscope content.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

♐🎯 bullseye mode
♐🏹 aiming high
♐💫 shooting for the stars
♐✨ free spirit loading
♐🎯 gut feeling on point
♐🏹 straight shooter
♐💪 bow flex
♐🔥 fire arrow ready
♐💯 perfect shot