card index
card index, 카드 인덱스
A card index is a tool for organizing contact information or other important data. Cards can be easily accessed alphabetically or by category.
It was frequently used in libraries to locate books in the past. Nowadays, it's mainly used in business to organize business cards.
카드 인덱스는 연락처나 중요한 정보를 정리하는 도구예요. 알파벳이나 분류별로 카드를 쉽게 찾을 수 있습니다.
예전에는 도서관에서 책을 찾을 때 많이 사용했어요. 지금은 비즈니스에서 명함을 정리할 때 주로 사용합니다.
Before the digital age, it was a key tool for information management, essential for library catalog systems and customer data management in businesses. Currently, it's being reinterpreted as a retro-inspired item, gaining new recognition for its aesthetic value.
Although digital business cards are now commonplace, the business culture of using a card index along with physical business cards still exists. Particularly in Asian countries like Japan or Korea, where exchanging business cards is considered important business etiquette, the card index is still frequently used.