

dagger, 단검


A dagger is a short knife, and it has been a historically important weapon. It's a traditional weapon often seen in movies and games.

In many fantasy works, daggers appear as special weapons used by heroes. Some daggers even possess magic or special powers.

단검은 짧은 칼로, 역사적으로 중요한 무기였어요. 영화나 게임에서 자주 볼 수 있는 전통적인 무기입니다.

많은 판타지 작품에서 영웅들이 사용하는 특별한 무기로 등장해요. 마법이나 특별한 힘을 가진 단검도 있답니다.

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From ancient times to the present day, daggers have held significant meaning as weapons across various cultures. They were particularly used as concealed defensive weapons in medieval European knight culture and Japanese ninja culture.

In modern popular culture, the dagger has become an essential element of the fantasy genre. In games and novels, it frequently appears as a symbolic weapon of heroes with special abilities, and it is also a popular prop in cosplay culture.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🗡️ backstab time
🗡️ reality check
🗡️💀 critical hit
🗡️💢 triggered
🗡️🩸 bloodbath
🗡️🎭 snake move