
face with spiral eyes

face with spiral eyes, 현기증 난 얼굴


This emoji represents a feeling of dizziness or a confused state. The spiraling eyes express dizziness or fatigue.

It is often used when feeling overwhelmed with busyness at school or work. This emoji is also used when having studied too much for an exam or having a lot of assignments.

어지러운 느낌이나 혼란스러운 상태를 나타내는 이모지입니다. 눈이 빙글빙글 도는 모습으로 현기증이나 피곤한 상태를 표현해요.

학교나 직장에서 너무 바빠서 정신이 없을 때 자주 사용합니다. 시험 공부를 너무 많이 했거나 과제가 많을 때도 이 이모지를 씁니다.

Windows 11

It is mainly used to express dizziness due to stress or overwork, and on social media, it is used to express feelings when faced with a complicated situation or something difficult to understand. It frequently appears, especially among Gen Z, when humorously expressing information overload or difficulty making decisions.

A relatively new emoji released after 2021, it has become a representative emoji symbolically showing the busy daily life and mental fatigue of modern people. It is used as a communication tool to build empathy when expressing burnout among office workers or stress during exam periods for students.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

😵‍💫 so dizzy rn
😵‍💫 brain.exe stopped working
😵‍💫 spinning out
😵‍💫 my head hurts
😵‍💫💫 lost my marbles
😵‍💫 brain freeze
😵‍💫 zoned out
😵‍💫🌀 round and round we go