
first quarter moon

first quarter moon, 오른쪽 반달


This emoji represents the first quarter moon, one of the moon's phases. It depicts the right side of the moon illuminated.

This moon shape is one of the phases the moon goes through during a month. Many countries' calendars use these moon shapes to indicate lunar dates.

달의 모양 중 하나인 상현달을 나타내는 이모지예요. 달의 오른쪽 부분이 밝게 빛나는 모습을 표현했습니다.

이 달 모양은 한 달 동안 변하는 달의 모습 중 하나예요. 많은 나라의 달력에서 이런 달 모양으로 음력 날짜를 표시하기도 합니다.

Windows 11

The first quarter moon represents the phase following the new moon (crescent moon). In agricultural societies, people determined farming schedules by observing the moon's shape.

Since ancient times, the moon's shape has been an important subject in literature and art, both in the East and West. In Korean traditional culture, there are holidays related to the moon, such as the first full moon of the lunar year (Jeongwol Daeboreum). Even today, it is frequently used on social media for sentimental expressions.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🌓✨ pulling an all-nighter
🌓💤 can't sleep
🌓📱 late night grind
🌓🎮 gaming session
🌓🍺 drink o'clock