flag: Latvia
flag: Latvia, 깃발: 라트비아
Latvia is a European country located on the Baltic Sea coast. Its flag has a unique design with a white stripe on a deep crimson background.
The crimson color of this flag is known to be one of the oldest flag colors in the world. The white stripe represents justice and truth.
라트비아는 발트해 연안의 유럽 국가입니다. 국기는 짙은 적갈색 바탕에 하얀 줄이 있는 독특한 디자인이에요.
이 국기의 적갈색은 세계에서 가장 오래된 국기 색상 중 하나로 알려져 있어요. 하얀색 줄은 정의와 진실을 의미합니다.
According to legend, the crimson color of the Latvian flag originated from a story where a leader's white cloth was stained with blood after being injured. This color symbolizes the Latvian people's struggle for freedom.
In modern times, this flag has become an important symbol representing Latvia's cultural identity. Every year on November 18th, the Independence Day, the entire country is adorned with this flag, and fashion incorporating the flag colors is popular among the youth.