flag: South Sudan
flag: South Sudan, 깃발: 남수단
South Sudan is the youngest independent nation in Africa. It gained independence from Sudan in 2011.
The flag consists of horizontal stripes of black, red, and green, a blue triangle, and a yellow star. This flag represents the nation's hope and peace.
남수단은 아프리카에서 가장 젊은 독립국가입니다. 2011년에 수단에서 분리 독립했어요.
깃발은 검은색, 빨간색, 녹색의 가로줄무늬와 파란색 삼각형, 노란 별로 구성되어 있습니다. 이 깃발은 나라의 희망과 평화를 나타내요.
South Sudan's independence is the most recent example of nation-building in Africa. It achieved independence after a long civil war, and the flag's colors are based on the Pan-African colors.
The blue triangle on the flag symbolizes the Nile River, and the yellow star represents the unity and hope of the nation. Currently, South Sudan possesses abundant oil resources, but it is still striving for peaceful development.