
flag: United Nations

flag: United Nations, 깃발: 국제연합


The UN (United Nations) is an international organization established to promote world peace. Its flag features a world map on a white background.

The UN consists of 193 member states and works to prevent war and protect human rights. It also established Universal Children's Day.

UN(국제연합)은 세계 평화를 위해 만든 국제기구입니다. 하얀색 바탕에 지구 모양이 있는 깃발을 사용합니다.

UN은 193개 나라가 함께 참여하고 있으며, 전쟁 방지와 인권 보호를 위해 노력합니다. 세계 어린이날도 UN이 정했습니다.

Windows 11

The globe encircled by olive branches on the UN flag symbolizes peace and international cooperation. The white background represents purity and peace, and the flag has been officially used since 1947.

The UN works to address various international issues such as peacekeeping operations, climate change response, and refugee protection. Its cultural influence is also expanding, with K-pop stars being invited to speak at UN events.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🇺🇳 World peace
🇺🇳🕊️ Peace keeper
🇺🇳🤝 Global unity