
graduation cap

graduation cap, 졸업 모자


This is a special hat worn by students at graduation ceremonies. This square-shaped hat symbolizes education and academic achievement.

This hat is worn at graduation ceremonies in many countries around the world. Graduates often participate in the traditional ceremony of moving the tassel from one side of the cap to the other.

졸업식에서 학생들이 쓰는 특별한 모자예요. 네모난 모양의 이 모자는 교육과 학업 성취를 상징해요.

전 세계 많은 나라에서 졸업식 때 이 모자를 써요. 졸업생들은 모자의 술을 한쪽에서 다른 쪽으로 옮기는 전통적인 행사를 하기도 해요.

Windows 11

The graduation cap originates from the hats worn by scholars in medieval European universities. The square shape symbolizes books or knowledge, and the tassel on top represents academic honor. In modern times, it has become a global symbol of educational completion and new beginnings.

This emoji is frequently used on social media to signify educational achievements or celebrations. It is used to celebrate not only university graduations but also the completion of various educational courses and obtaining certifications. Among younger generations, it is often used with hashtags like '#graduationstagram'.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🎓✨ big brain time
🎓📚 study grind
🎓💪 study mode on
🎓😤 student life
🎓💯 ace vibes
🎓🧠 galaxy brain
🎓🎉 freedom loading
🎓😭 broke student
🎓🏃 escape plan