hibiscus, 무궁화
The Rose of Sharon is the national flower of South Korea. It's a special flower that blooms in the morning and closes in the evening.
The Rose of Sharon blooms with new flowers every day from July to October. This is why it was given the name 'mugunghwa,' which means 'eternally blooming.'
무궁화는 대한민국의 국화예요. 아침에 피었다가 저녁에 지는 특별한 꽃이에요.
무궁화는 7월부터 10월까지 매일 새로운 꽃을 피워요. 그래서 '영원히 피어난다'는 뜻으로 무궁화라는 이름이 붙었어요.
During Korea's independence movement, the Rose of Sharon symbolized the spirit of the Korean people. Our ancestors expressed their love for their country through the Rose of Sharon, and it is still used in many Korean symbols today.
There are about 200 varieties of hibiscus around the world, but in Korea, the 'Dansim' variety (Hibiscus syriacus) is the most beloved. Recently, the antioxidant properties of the Rose of Sharon have been gaining attention, making it a popular ingredient in cosmetics. It's emerging as a new material in K-beauty.