keycap: 8
keycap: 8, 키 캡: 8
This is a keycap emoji representing the number 8. It's designed to look like a number key that you would find on a computer or mobile phone keyboard.
This emoji is frequently used to express order or quantity. For example, it can be used when you want to emphasize numbers, like 'student number 8' or '8 apples'.
숫자 8을 나타내는 키캡 이모지입니다. 컴퓨터나 휴대폰 키보드에서 볼 수 있는 숫자 키의 모양을 본떠 만들었어요.
이 이모지는 순서나 개수를 표현할 때 자주 사용해요. 예를 들어 '8번 학생' 이나 '8개의 사과'처럼 숫자를 강조하고 싶을 때 쓸 수 있답니다.
Created for the digital age, this emoji is a visualization of an actual keyboard's number key. It's particularly effective when expressing rankings or scores in online games and social media.
The number 8 is considered lucky in many cultures, especially in China where its pronunciation is similar to the word for 'prosper'. In modern digital communication, this emoji can be used to make lists and express order in a more visual way.