
milky way

milky way, 은하수


The Milky Way is a band of countless stars visible in the night sky. This is what our galaxy looks like from the side.

The Korean folktale of Chilseok (the seventh day of the seventh lunar month) is based on the Milky Way. Stories about the Milky Way are told in various cultures around the world.

은하수는 밤하늘에서 볼 수 있는 수많은 별들의 띠예요. 우리 은하를 옆에서 보면 이렇게 보입니다.

한국의 칠월칠석 설화는 은하수를 배경으로 합니다. 전 세계 여러 문화에서 은하수에 대한 이야기가 전해져요.

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The Milky Way is what our galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy, looks like from Earth. As light pollution from cities increases, places where you can see the Milky Way are becoming increasingly rare.

In East Asia, the Milky Way is called 'Eunha' and serves as the backdrop for the story of Gyeonu (the Cowherd) and Jingnyeo (the Weaver Girl). In the West, it's called the 'Milky Way,' a name derived from Greek mythology, where it's said to have originated from the goddess Hera's milk spilling across the sky.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🌌 space brain
🌌✨ glowing like the galaxy
🌌🚀 yeeted to space
🌌💫 galaxy brain moment
🌌🌙 space swimming