
money-mouth face

money-mouth face, 돈 모양의 입이 있는 얼굴


This emoji depicts a face with dollar signs for eyes and money coming out of its mouth. It's used to express positive feelings related to money.

It's often used in joyful situations like winning the lottery or getting paid. It expresses the happy feeling of earning or receiving money.

눈이 달러 기호로 변하고 입에서 돈이 나오는 모습의 이모지예요. 돈과 관련된 좋은 일이 있을 때 사용해요.

복권에 당첨되거나 월급을 받았을 때처럼 기쁜 상황에서 많이 써요. 돈을 벌거나 받았을 때의 행복한 기분을 표현할 때 사용해요.

Windows 11

This emoji is used to humorously express a desire for financial success or material gain. It frequently appears in conversations related to investments, financial management, and side hustles.

This emoji has gained popularity recently, especially with the rise of the MZ generation's interest in personal finance. It's often used on social media with content about 'getting rich' or 'money-making tips,' and wittily expresses the globally relatable desire for wealth.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🤑 bag secured
🤑 loaded fr
🤑 money moves
🤑💰 get that bread
🤑💸 major cop
🤑✨ W purchase
🤑💰 big flex
🤑💫 flex szn