
people wrestling

people wrestling, 레슬링하는 사람


Wrestling is a sport where two athletes compete against each other using strength and technique. The goal is to subdue the opponent in a special arena called a ring.

Wrestling is an ancient sport that has existed since the ancient Olympics. Nowadays, professional wrestling matches are popular, and many people enjoy watching them on TV.

레슬링은 두 선수가 서로 힘과 기술을 겨루는 스포츠입니다. 링이라는 특별한 경기장에서 상대방을 제압하는 것이 목표입니다.

레슬링은 고대 올림픽부터 있었던 오래된 스포츠입니다. 요즘에는 프로레슬링 경기가 인기 있어서 많은 사람들이 TV로 즐겨 봅니다.

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Wrestling is one of the oldest combat sports in human history, dating back to Greco-Roman times. In modern times, it is divided into amateur wrestling and professional wrestling, each with its own distinct appeal.

Professional wrestling, in particular, has evolved into a unique cultural content that combines sports and entertainment. Organizations like WWE have gained immense popularity worldwide, and a new professional wrestling culture is also forming in Korea.

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