
shopping cart

shopping cart, 쇼핑카트


A shopping cart is a wheeled cart used to carry groceries in a supermarket. It's an essential tool when shopping at large supermarkets.

These days, you often see the shopping cart icon in online shopping as well. It represents the function of storing items you want to purchase.

쇼핑카트는 마트에서 물건을 담아 운반하는 바퀴 달린 카트입니다. 큰 마트에서 장을 볼 때 꼭 필요한 도구예요.

요즘은 온라인 쇼핑에서도 쇼핑카트 아이콘을 많이 볼 수 있습니다. 구매하고 싶은 물건을 담아두는 기능을 의미하죠.

Windows 11

The history of the shopping cart began in 1937 when Sylvan Goldman patented it in the United States. Initially, it was a simple design with baskets placed on folding chairs, but as it evolved into the modern shopping cart, it significantly changed consumer shopping culture.

Recently, smart shopping carts have emerged and are attracting attention. Equipped with barcode scanners and payment systems, they allow for instant checkout without waiting in line and even offer shopping route recommendations.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🛒 shopping time
🛒💨 cart theft
🛒🏃‍♀️ cart racing
🛒💸 wallet drain
🛒😭 end of month shopping
🛒✨ retail therapy
🛒🎁 gift run
🛒🛍️ shop till you drop