sneezing face
sneezing face, 재채기하는 얼굴
This emoji is a cute representation of a sneezing face. It's commonly used when someone has a cold or allergies.
Since COVID-19, it's also frequently used to express feeling unwell or indicate situations where wearing a mask is necessary. It can also convey a sense of concern for someone's health.
재채기를 하는 모습을 귀엽게 표현한 이모지입니다. 감기에 걸렸거나 알레르기가 있을 때 주로 사용해요.
코로나19 이후로는 아프다는 표현이나 마스크를 써야 할 상황을 나타낼 때도 자주 씁니다. 건강을 걱정하는 마음도 함께 전달할 수 있어요.
Different expressions are used worldwide when someone sneezes, such as 'Bless you' in English-speaking countries, 'Gesundheit' in German-speaking countries, and 'E-CHI' in Korea. This emoji has become a universal means of communication that transcends such cultural differences.
This emoji appears frequently on social media, especially during pollen allergy season or when the seasons change. It's sometimes used to playfully feign illness or act cute, and it can also be used to express concern for others.